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Gerald (Jerry) Hjelm (1936 - 2010)


Jerry Hjelm was born on June 19, 1936.  After more than thirty years as a commercial artist, illustrator, graphic designer and art director, artist Gerald Hjelm turned over a new leaf and became a serious Minnesota landscape representative.


Influenced by French and American impressionists of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, his paintings are impressionist renderings of midwestern landscapes. Romantic creations of imagery and natural expression, his view of nature enhanced the concept of a land unspoiled and pure - the treasured inheritance of America.


"I dream about the lost world as everyone dreams about his or her childhood - and that is why I paint: to retrieve and preserve some of the images of the unspoiled world I remember.  Certainly, I know that it still exists, but there is less of it, and it is getting steadily harder to find. I hope my paintings capture a little of a less urbanized time, when technology was less pervasive and intrusive, and 'Nature' wasn't something you watched on PBS." 


Hjelm passed away on July 22, 2010.

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